and execute Julian date → calendar date and sexagenary date
Julian dates are the number of days and fractions counting from the time origin at noon on January 1, 4713 BCE (before common era. A time zone is not specified here and it is assumed that the time origin (noon on January 1, 4713 BCE) and the specified time are both in the same time zone.
Sexagenary numbers refer to the numerical order of the sexagenary names appearing in Table 2 on the sexagenary cycle page: 1 refers to jiǎ zǐ, 2 refers yǐ chǒu, 3 refers to bǐng yín and so on.
Dates are given in Gregorian calendar beginning on Oct. 15, 1582 and in Julian calendar before that day. The day after Oct 4, 1582 was Oct. 15, 1582. Dates before 8 CE are given in the proleptic Julian calendar.
Entering years in BCE: 0 = 1 BCE, -1 = 2 BCE, -2 = 3 BCE and so on.
The input date may be changed after submission in order for the date to be consistent with the actual calendar date. For example, if Feb 31, 2019 (Year: 2019, Month: 2, Date: 31) is submitted, it will be interpreted as 3 days after Feb 28, 2019 and will be changed to Mar 3, 2019. If the input date is between Oct. 5 and Oct. 14 in 1582, ten days will be added to it.
Sexagenary dates and days of week are computed using Equations (1) and (4) on the sexagenary cycle page.