Lon-Capa Exercises
Note: Most problems are randomized. When you enter the problem page, you can click the "New Problem Variation" button at the top left to get a new randomized version of the problem. All submissions are temporay and won't be recorded. This means that if you leave a problem page and then enter it at a latter time, your previous submissions will be lost and you will get a new randomized version of the problem. These problems are mostly the same as the Lon Capa HW problems given to the students.
Update on 2024-12-14: All Lon Capa exercises have been taken offline since UIUC no longer maintains Lon Capa servers.
Week 2 (Data types, missing values, vectorized operations)
Basic Classes of Objects in R
Vectorized Operations
Factor Variables
Airquality Data
Optimization Problem
Body Mass Index: Part 1
Stat 100 Survey Data
Correlation and Generalized Birthday Problem
Week 3 (Loading data files, subsetting, statistical functions)
Subsetting a data frame
Maximum Driving Speed
Shoe Size and Number of Pairs of Shoes Owned
Hypothesis Test for Talia
Body Mass Index: Part 2
Random Numbers
Week 4 (Control functions and logical operations)
Control Structures and Logic
Logic and Subsetting
Distribution of Sample Correlation and Sample Slope
Microsoft Interview Question: Toggling Lockers
Week 5 (Simple data manipulations)
Stock Market Prices
Calculate HW Grades
Week 6 (Writing functions, plottings)
Searching for Two Cities Farthest Apart in a Dataset
Functions in R
Plotting Stat 100 Survey Data
Transformation of Variables
pch Parameter
polygon() Function
Week 7 (R markdown, simple linear regressions)
Practicing Simple Linear Regression
Anscombe's Quartet
Confidence Interval on Trial
Confidence Interval for the Mean
R Markdown Exercise: GPA and Hours of Study
Week 8 (Loop functions, regression with factor variables)
Loop Functions
Vectorize a Function
Ecological Correlation
The χ2 and F Distributions
Weight versus age of chicks on different diets
R Markdown Exercise: Shoe Number vs Shoe Size Confounder Problem Revisited
Optional Material: Introduction to Tidyverse
Week 9 (Simulations, multivariable regressions)
Housing Prices
Randomization Test
Simulating Coin Flips
Lazy Evaluation
R Markdown Exercise: Galton's Height Data
Week 10 (Date and time in R, Introduction to Monte Carlo simulations)
The Date Class, system.time()
Climate Change
Calculate π Using a Monte Carlo Method
Simulating the Monty Hall Problem
Simulating the Birthday Problem
R Markdown Exercise: Investment in Two Stocks
Week 11 (Statistical Tests)
Framing: Human's Bounded Rationality
Two-Sample t-Tests
Multi-sample Tests of Means
χ2 Goodness-of-Fit Test
One-Sample Z Test: Exam Scores
What defines Donald Trump supporters?
Checking of Code Related to the Coin Flip Problem
R Markdown Exercise: Multi-Sample Tests and Randomization Test
Week 12 (Transformation of variables)
Animal Life Spans
Expected Income
Airplane Seat Puzzle
Week 13 (Logistic regression)
glm() Practice: Text Ban
Grade, Learning and Religious Belief
Bank Marketing
Benign and Malignant Tumors
Predicting Grades
Predicting Donald Trump Supporters
R Markdown Exercise: Mammographic Mass
Week 14 (Nonparametric statistics)
T-Tests vs Wilcoxon Tests
Final Scores
Wilcoxon Tests
Kruskal-Wallis Test
Spearman Rank-Order Correlation Test
R Markdown Exercise: Comparing Grades Between Online and In-Person Stat 100 Classes