Stat 100 Survey 1, Spring 2016 (Laska)

915 Responses, 20 Variables

Column Description

  1. gender: What is your gender?
  2. genderID: What gender do you identify with at this current moment?
  3. height: What is your height, in inches?
  4. weight: What is your weight, in pounds?
  5. shoeSize: What is your shoe size?
  6. schoolYear: What year are you in school?
  7. pets: How many dogs plus cats have you and your family owned in your lifetime?
  8. siblings: How many brothers and sisters do you have?
  9. speed: What is the fastest you have ever driven a car, in miles per hour?
  10. cash: Approximately how much cash do you have with you now, in dollars? (Limit was $1000)
  11. sleep: On average, how many hours of sleep do you get each night?
  12. shoeNums: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
  13. ageMother: How old is your mother? (If you don't know, please guess how old you'd think she'd be now. Limits: 35-65)
  14. ageFather: How old is your father? (If you don't know, please guess how old you'd think he'd be now. Limits: 35-65)
  15. random: Pick a random number from this list: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
  16. love: Do you believe there is only one person in the world who's your true love or do you think there are many who could be? How many people in the world do you think you could truly love? (none/one/few/dozens/hundreds/thousands/millions)
  17. charity: Suppose you won a million dollars and were given the choice to either spend it on yourself or give it away to save the lives of children who would otherwise die of starvation. The more money you gave, the more children would be saved (let's say each dollar saved a child's life). What percent of the money would you give away?
  18. movie: What is your favorite movie?
  19. FavTV1: What are two of your favority shows (1/2)?
  20. FavTV2: What are two of your favority shows (2/2)?